The tallest man alive
Advertise your business or event with Sultan Kösen, the tallest man alive! Don't hesitate to contact me.
Sultan Kösen (born on December 10, 1982 r., Mardin, TURKEY)
Being 2,51 m tall he is - according to the Guinness Records Book the tallest man alive. At the same time he owns the record of having the biggest hands (27,5 cm) and feet (shoe size 60).
For six years Sultan Kösen has been taking part in business and culture events all around the world . Regularly invited to the most spectacular world festivals like the Rio de Janeiro carnival, he draws enormous attention wherever he appears and his name is one of the most recognizable in the world.
The largest and best companies of their type, like Turkish Airlines or international car rent company ENTERPRİSE, choose Sultan Kösen for their advertising campaigns.
Until today in the scope of his activity Sultan Kösen has visited among others: England, the USA, Austria, Italy, Norway, Holland, Spain, Island, Canada, Japan, China, Portugal, Brazil and Australia.